Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pink-Footed Goose, Harlequin Duck & Long-tailed Duck

Perfect weather for winter birding at the Barnegat Lighthouse on January 5th. Although it was cold, dressed in heavy winter clothes, I found it most enjoyable, even at the end of the jetty.

                                                                 Long-tailed Duck
                                                                    Harlequin Duck

Sunday, Jan. 20,  I saw Northern Lapwings in New Egypt, but they were so far away on the other side of a cow field, that I had to look through a friend's scope. Even then, with the extreme wind making it hard to focus, it was difficult to see. Nevertheless, I did get a fairly good view of them.

Yesterday was extremely cold and quite windy, but the sighting of a Pink-Footed Goose (pictured below), made freezing fingers tolerable.