Saturday, June 30, 2012

Feeder Warning

I went out to my backyard this morning and found a little chickadee fluttering around inside a feeder. It was a long cylindrical feeder with holes and perches around the bottom half. The food level was just below the top hole, which allowed the little bird to enter. Too late, I now know not to let the food level drop that low. .

I immediately dumped the bird, and all the feed, onto the yard and ran inside for a shoebox and rubber gloves. I was back out within a very few minutes, but it was already dead. Nevertheless, I put grass in the box and placed the chickadee on the grass. I also dripped a few drops of water onto its open bill. After all, perhaps it was only in a coma. But I am quite sure now that it is dead. I'll give it a nice burial later this afternoon when the blazing sun sinks behind the trees. In the meantime, the box is in the shade.

1 comment:

  1. What a sad story. My grandfather was a birder. If I could find some extra time, I would love to pursue the interest I have. For now, my bird feeders in the backyard will have to do for my curiosity. Great blog, lots of luck!
