Friday, February 24, 2017

Harlequins and More - Catching Up

Catching Up

It seems like forever since I've updated this blog. I keep meaning to work on it, but life always seem to get in the way. I conveniently manage to find some excuse or other as to why this gets put to the side: volunteering at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, photographing wildlife, especially birds, critiquig for my writers' group, family, etc. But to be honest, there are times now and then that I could devote to uploading photos here. The recent mention of my blog in a local paper has finally motivated me.

I guess it makes sense to start with the most recent photos, which include one printed with that article. These were recently taken on the jetty at Barnegat Inlet. 

Group of  male harlequins on the jetty. These photos are difficult to get due to the necessity of climbing onto the rocks, which are often slippery. Many people have fallen there, and carrying a camera with a 6oomm zoom lens, makes it more treacherous. But these pics make it worthwhile.

Male harlequin walk/flying up the shell covered rocks.

 Female harlequin flying away from a group of her admirers.

Purple Sandpiper on the jetty.

Male Red-breasted merganser swimming in the Barnegat Inlet.
Going back to 2016, the next photograph was taken while participating in  Audubon's Christmas Bird Count. The day we did it was so foggy that we weren't able to start surveying our assigned area of Mystic Island until the fog burned off somewhat. 
Do I need to identify these? 
When we first stopped at the small lake at Mystic Shores, there was one eagle sitting in this tree. As I walked slowly towards it, another soon joined him. It stayed a few minutes before flying across the lake, landing in another tree. 

Red-shouldered Hawk

Imagine my surprise when I looked out into my backyard and saw this hawk. He was kind enough to stay there long enough for me to get my camera and get him into focus through my none too clean window.

More photos from 2016 to come soon.

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